lib Directory Reference


directory  fs


file  aes-128.c [code]
    Wrapped AES-128 implementation from Texas Instruments.

file  aes-128.h [code]

file  ccm-star.c [code]
    AES_128-based CCM* implementation.

file  ccm-star.h [code]
    CCM* header file.

file  circular-list.c [code]
 Implementation of circular singly linked lists.
file  crc16.c [code]
    Implementation of the CRC16 calculcation

file  crc16.h [code]
    Header file for the CRC16 calculcation

file  dbl-circ-list.c [code]
 Implementation of circular, doubly-linked lists.
file  dbl-list.c [code]
 Implementation of doubly-linked lists.
file  heapmem.c [code]
    Dynamic memory allocation module.

file  heapmem.h [code]
    Header file for the dynamic heap memory allocator.

file  list.c [code]
 Linked list library implementation.
file  list.h [code]
 Linked list manipulation routines.
file  memb.c [code]
 Memory block allocation routines.
file  memb.h [code]
    Memory block allocation routines.

file  ringbuf.c [code]
    Ring buffer library implementation

file  ringbuf.h [code]
    Header file for the ring buffer library

file  ringbufindex.c [code]
    ringbufindex library.

file  ringbufindex.h [code]
    Header file for the ringbufindex library

file  trickle-timer.c [code]
 Trickle timer library implementation.
file  trickle-timer.h [code]
 Trickle timer library header file.