Data Structures | Macros
uip-nd6.h File Reference

Header file for IPv6 Neighbor discovery (RFC 4861) More...

#include "net/ipv6/uip.h"
#include "sys/stimer.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  uip_nd6_ns
 A neighbor solicitation constant part. More...
struct  uip_nd6_na
 A neighbor advertisement constant part. More...
struct  uip_nd6_rs
 A router solicitation constant part. More...
struct  uip_nd6_ra
 A router advertisement constant part. More...
struct  uip_nd6_redirect
 A redirect message constant part. More...
struct  uip_nd6_opt_hdr
 ND option header. More...
struct  uip_nd6_opt_prefix_info
 ND option prefix information. More...
struct  uip_nd6_opt_mtu
 ND option MTU. More...
struct  uip_nd6_opt_dns
 ND option RDNSS. More...


 Do not try DAD when using EUI-64 as allowed by draft-ietf-6lowpan-nd-15 section 8.2.
#define UIP_ND6_HOP_LIMIT   255
 HOP LIMIT to be used when sending ND messages (255)
 INFINITE lifetime.
RFC 4861 Host constant
 Maximum router solicitation delay.
 Router solicitation interval.
 Maximum router solicitations.
RFC 4861 Router constants
#define UIP_ND6_SEND_RA   1 /* enable/disable RA sending */
#define UIP_ND6_SEND_NS   1 /* enable/disable NS sending */
#define UIP_ND6_SEND_NA   1 /* enable/disable NA sending */
#define UIP_ND6_MAX_RA_INTERVAL   600
#define UIP_ND6_M_FLAG   0
#define UIP_ND6_O_FLAG   0
#define UIP_ND6_MAX_INITIAL_RA_INTERVAL   16 /*seconds*/
#define UIP_ND6_MAX_INITIAL_RAS   3 /*transmissions*/
#define UIP_ND6_MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_RAS   3 /*seconds*/
#define UIP_ND6_MAX_RA_DELAY_TIME_MS   500 /*milli seconds*/
RFC 4861 Node constant
#define UIP_ND6_REACHABLE_TIME   60000
#define UIP_ND6_RETRANS_TIMER   1000
#define UIP_ND6_MIN_RANDOM_FACTOR(x)   (x / 2)
#define UIP_ND6_MAX_RANDOM_FACTOR(x)   ((x) + (x) / 2)
RFC 6106 RA DNS Options Constants <br>
#define UIP_ND6_RA_RDNSS   0
#define UIP_ND6_RA_DNSSL   0
ND6 option types
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_SLLAO   1
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_TLLAO   2
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_MTU   5
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_RDNSS   25
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_DNSSL   31
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_LEN_OFFSET   1
ND6 message length (excluding options)
#define UIP_ND6_NA_LEN   20
#define UIP_ND6_NS_LEN   20
#define UIP_ND6_RA_LEN   12
#define UIP_ND6_RS_LEN   4
ND6 option length in bytes
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_HDR_LEN   2
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_MTU_LEN   8
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_RDNSS_LEN   1
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_DNSSL_LEN   1
#define UIP_ND6_OPT_LLAO_LEN   8
 length of a ND6 LLAO option for default L2 type (e.g. More...
Neighbor Advertisement flags masks
#define UIP_ND6_NA_FLAG_ROUTER   0x80
#define UIP_ND6_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED   0x40
#define UIP_ND6_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE   0x20
#define UIP_ND6_RA_FLAG_ONLINK   0x80


ND message structures
typedef struct uip_nd6_ns uip_nd6_ns
 A neighbor solicitation constant part. More...
typedef struct uip_nd6_na uip_nd6_na
 A neighbor advertisement constant part. More...
typedef struct uip_nd6_rs uip_nd6_rs
 A router solicitation constant part. More...
typedef struct uip_nd6_ra uip_nd6_ra
 A router advertisement constant part. More...
typedef struct uip_nd6_redirect uip_nd6_redirect
 A redirect message constant part. More...
ND Option structures
typedef struct uip_nd6_opt_hdr uip_nd6_opt_hdr
 ND option header.
typedef struct uip_nd6_opt_prefix_info uip_nd6_opt_prefix_info
 ND option prefix information.
typedef struct uip_nd6_opt_mtu uip_nd6_opt_mtu
 ND option MTU.
typedef struct uip_nd6_opt_dns uip_nd6_opt_dns
 ND option RDNSS.
typedef struct uip_nd6_opt_redirected_hdr uip_nd6_opt_redirected_hdr


ND Messages Processing and Generation
void uip_nd6_ns_output (const uip_ipaddr_t *src, const uip_ipaddr_t *dest, uip_ipaddr_t *tgt)
 Send a neighbor solicitation, send a Neighbor Advertisement. More...
void uip_nd6_rs_output (void)
 Send a Router Solicitation. More...
void uip_nd6_init (void)
 Initialise the uIP ND core.

Detailed Description

Header file for IPv6 Neighbor discovery (RFC 4861)

Julien Abeille
Mathilde Durvy

Definition in file uip-nd6.h.