Macros | Functions | Variables

A MAC protocol implementation that uses nRF52 IPSP implementation as a link layer. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <ble-core.h>
#include "app_error.h"
#include "ble_ipsp.h"
#include "nrf_soc.h"
#include "iot_defines.h"
#include "net/mac/nullmac/nullmac.h"
#include "net/netstack.h"
#include "net/ipv6/uip.h"
#include "net/ipv6/tcpip.h"
#include "net/packetbuf.h"
#include "net/linkaddr.h"
#include "dev/watchdog.h"

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 Maximum number of interfaces, i.e., connection to master devices.


static ble_mac_interface_t * ble_mac_interface_lookup (ble_ipsp_handle_t *handle)
 Lookup interface by IPSP connection. More...
static ble_mac_interface_t * ble_mac_interface_add (eui64_t *peer, ble_ipsp_handle_t *handle)
 Add IPSP connection to the interface table. More...
static void ble_mac_interface_delete (ble_mac_interface_t *interface)
 Remove interface from the interface table. More...
static uint32_t ble_mac_ipsp_evt_handler_irq (ble_ipsp_handle_t *p_handle, ble_ipsp_evt_t *p_evt)
 Callback registered with IPSP to receive asynchronous events from the module. More...
static ble_ipsp_handle_t * find_handle (const linkaddr_t *addr)
 Lookup IPSP handle by peer address. More...
static int send_to_peer (ble_ipsp_handle_t *handle)
 Send packet on a given IPSP handle. More...


process_event_t ble_event_interface_added
 This event is broadcast when BLE connection is established. More...
process_event_t ble_event_interface_deleted
 This event is broadcast when BLE connection is destroyed. More...
static volatile int busy_tx
 Flag is set to 1 when the driver is busy transmitting a packet.
static volatile int busy_rx
 Flag is set to 1 when there is a received packet pending.
const struct mac_driver ble_ipsp_mac_driver
 BLE over IPSP MAC driver structure.

Detailed Description

A MAC protocol implementation that uses nRF52 IPSP implementation as a link layer.

Wojciech Bober wojci.nosp@m.ech..nosp@m.bober.nosp@m.@nor.nosp@m.dicse.nosp@m.mi.n.nosp@m.o

Definition in file ble-mac.c.